Simplest Canonical Polyhedra of Each Symmetry Type

(box: x-ray)  (F: faces)  (slider: perspective)  (image: L=rotate R=zoom)  (M: metrics)

Simplest Canonical Polyhedron with D2v Symmetry
(1 of 2)
Vertices:  8  (4[3] + 4[4])
Faces:8  (4 isosceles triangles + 4 rhombi)
Edges:14  (12 short + 2 long)
Symmetry:  2-fold Antiprismatic  (D2v)
Dual Solid:  Simplest D2v (2 of 2)
(values below based on edge-scribed radius = 1)
Short Edge (12):  3/2    1.5
Long Edge (2):  2
Edge-scribed Radius:  1
Volume:10/3    ≈3.3333333333333333333