Star Dipyramids & Trapezohedra

The duals of the regular star prisms are called star dipyramids, and the duals of the regular star antiprisms are called star trapezohedra. Each has one type of face and a constant dihedral angle. Like dipyramids and trapezohedra, they can be distinguished from other uniform polyhedra duals by the fact that they do not have polyhedral group (tetrahedral, octahedral, or icosahedral) rotational symmetries.

(box: x-ray)  (slider: perspective)  (image: L=rotate R=zoom)

Pentagrammic Dipyramid

Heptagrammic 7/2 Dipyramid

Heptagrammic 7/3 Dipyramid

Octagrammic Dipyramid

Pentagrammic Trapezohedron

Pentagrammic Concave Trapezohedron

Heptagrammic 7/2 Trapezohedron

Heptagrammic 7/3 Trapezohedron

Heptagrammic Concave Trapezohedron

Octagrammic Trapezohedron

Octagrammic Concave Trapezohedron