Simplest Canonical Polyhedra of Each Symmetry Type

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Simplest Canonical Polyhedron with D8h Symmetry
(Octagonal Dipyramid)
(1 of 2)
Vertices:  10  (8[4] + 2[8])
Faces:16  (isosceles triangles)
Edges:24  (8 short + 16 long)
Symmetry:  8-fold Prismatic  (D8h)
Dihedral Angle:  acos(−(7+4*sqrt(2))/17)    ≈138.117959056 degrees
Dual Solid:  Simplest D8h (2 of 2)
(values below based on edge-scribed radius = 1)
Short Edge (8):  2*sqrt(2)−2    ≈0.82842712474619009760
Long Edge (16):  2*sqrt(2)    ≈2.8284271247461900976
[4]-Vertex Radius (8):  sqrt(2*(2−sqrt(2)))    ≈1.0823922002923939688
[8]-Vertex Radius (2):  sqrt(2*(2+sqrt(2)))    ≈2.6131259297527530557
Edge-scribed Radius:  1
Inscribed Radius:  sqrt(34*(6+sqrt(2)))/17    ≈0.93394883109446475958
Volume:16*sqrt(2*(2−sqrt(2)))/3    ≈5.7727584015594345003